Ashlynn Printable Digital Download

Ashlynn Printable Digital Download


4” x 6” Downloadable PDF

”I wanted to say thank you to anyone who decides to read my book and leave reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, because truly reviews are the best way to help an author! ⁠⁠
This piece of art is Ashlynn at a critical point in her journey and is only given to those who leave a review. You will be able to print this out for free or request it to be printed for you and then shipped to you for a small price. ⁠⁠
I already appreciate all of the love I have received for Discerning Her Shadows and this is just another way I can show my appreciation!⁠⁠”

Tara Webb
Author of Discerning Her Shadows

When you leave a book review, you will receive a discount code valid for this product ONLY which will allow you to download this art for free as you won’t need to pay for shipping. Please download your art ASAP as the link to download the art is only live for 24 hours.

If you wish to have this printed and mailed to you, you will need to pay for shipping which is what the current $5 price covers. If this is the case, PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THE DISCOUNT CODE AT CHECKOUT as you will need to pay the $5 for the item to be mailed to you.

Thank you so much for your support!

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